TauREx Parallelisation

TauREx can be run in parallel, both in generating forward models only and in retrieval

Forward Model

The forward model parallel mode uses the python internal threading module and should not require any further software installation.

To run create_spectrum.py in parallel mode, add the --nthreads [NCORES] flag. Where [NCORES] is the number of cores available.

python create_spectrum.py -p [PARAMETER FILE] --nthreads [NCORES]

Retrieval Model

To run TauREx in parallel mode during retrieval, the following requirements need to be met:

  • mpi4py must be installed and working
  • MultiNest was compiled with mpich or openmpi libraries

Should these requirements be met, it is simple to run TauREx in parallel using:

mpirun -np [NCORES] python taurex.py -p [PARAMETER FILE]
