This is the ExoAI project website. On this website you can find out about our recent publications, the people working on the projects and of course, what projects we are currently working on.
For user manuals and installation instructions of TauREx and other codes, please go to the software page. All data part of this project is permanently archived here.

Recent Posts

Data Challenge Results!

less than 1 minute read

The Ariel Machine Learning Data Challenge has concluded and we are excited to announce the winners at the European Machine Learning Conference (ECML-PKDD) an...

Direct Imaging with deep learning

3 minute read

Discovering planets is a difficult task, and it is especially true for direct Imaging. In this blog post, I am going to briefly explain how neural network ca...

Deep learning Saturn

2 minute read

Today we’ve published a paper on deep learning applied to Saturn in Nature Astronomy. The link to the paper is here. We’ve also got a press release here.

Ariel Machine Learning Data Challenge 2019

1 minute read

We are excited to announce that the ExoAI team together with the European Space Agency’s ARIEL mission have launched the first machine learning data challeng...